Dyllon Feusi
My Story
Dyllon is my son. He was a person I adored everyday of my life. His life was cut way too short, and I need to share my story. I spent the last year trying to understand what happened to Dyllon. Now I realize, nothing can change where we are, but I will make sure that his memories are never forgotten.

A young man from California with all the potential
Dyllon was an athlete, a model, a scholar, and above all, a great friend. He was admired by his peers and adored by his family. His confidence was obvious and his work ethic was evident. But Dyllon's life took a quick turn leaving family and friends with many unanswered questions.
Dyllon was born and raised in Northern California by his mother and father. He was a favorite amongst all of his elementary school teachers. Dyllon was a great peer and soon took to youth sports. He started playing both football and basketball in the second grade and continued to play both through his eighth grade year.
After graduating from middle school, Dyllon decided to not continue pursuing football. He did however continue the love for his favorite sport basketball. In the middle of Dyllon's freshman year, the family decided to make a move to Southern California. They began residing in Huntington Beach and Dyllon attended Huntington Beach High School.
My life changed by a baby boy
When Dyllon was born, I instantly knew he was special. He was different to me. Maybe, I was actually ready to raise a son. I had already been a father, but I was older now and really fell in love with Dyllon. As many people know, Dyllon instantly became the love of my life. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my children. I just knew that now, I was ready to be there whole-heartedly to raise, coach and encourage my son more than I had been ready in the past. So that's what I did. Everyday, I woke to see this baby of mine and knew he was so very special.
I started attending more school activities and volunteering more. and the more that I did, the more I fell in love with him. He was my little angel. He put a smile on my face every single day. And everyday, I would tell him that he was the love of my life. He made my soul complete and helped me to be a better father. I also became more involved with my older children. And soon, they fell in love with Dyllon as well. It was amazing to see how a little baby boy could pull us so close. And as I look at everything now, I am proud to have the relationships that I have with my children. My only wish is that Dyllon could be here to enjoy them as well.